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E.g., 01/07/2025
E.g., 01/07/2025

Social Security Fairness Act Signed into Law!

January 6, 2025
On January 5, President Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law, stating, “this victory is a culmination of a 40-year fight to provide security for workers who dedicate their lives to their communities."

Observance of National Day of Remembrance for Former President Jimmy Carter

January 6, 2025
As the nation mourns the passing of Former President Jimmy Carter, the United States Postal Service (USPS) will observe the National Day of Remembrance with a Day of Observance.

Dispute Filed Concerning USPS Failure to Bargain Over Safety and Ergonomic Issues

The APWU has initiated a national dispute over the Postal Service's failure and refusal to meet and bargain in good faith the the Union about safety and ergonomic issues associated with the Delivery Bar Code Sorter (DCBS).

Training Programs for 2007

To help APWU activists enhance their skills, the Research and Education Department will be providing several training programs in 2007.

Union Appeals to Arbitration USPS Decision to Subcontract FSM 1000 Modifications

On Nov. 17, 2009, the APWU appealed to arbitration a national-level dispute protesting the Postal Service’s decision to subcontract the retrofitting of FSM 1000 machines, and challenging management’s failure to notify the union of the decision. The...

e-Team Report, Oct. 11, 2013

John Marcotte Elected Legislative & Political Director  Representatives Co-Sponsor Resolution Supporting Federal Workers What do the Government Shutdown and Privatizing the Postal Service Have in Common?  Minnesotans Experience Mail Delays 

Fighting Contract Postal Units; Protecting Retail Jobs

The USPS announcement in May that more than 3,200 stations and branches in Level 24-and-above post offices would be evaluated for possible consolidation or closure has sparked great concern across the country. Retail employees are understandably...
