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E.g., 07/19/2024
E.g., 07/19/2024

Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

July 19, 2024
Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

Democracy in Action: Robust Debate Dominates Convention's Third Day

July 18, 2024
On the third day of the 27th Biennial Convention, APWU Delegates dominating democracy in action.

Training Programs for 2007

To help APWU activists enhance their skills, the Research and Education Department will be providing several training programs in 2007.

As a Vet Returning From Vietnam ...

If you elected to serve your country during the Vietnam Era or were drafted in the 1960s or early 1970s, you should read the following letter that I recently wrote to John McCain, the senior senator from Arizona. You may fall into the same category...

e-Team Report, Oct. 11, 2013

John Marcotte Elected Legislative & Political Director  Representatives Co-Sponsor Resolution Supporting Federal Workers What do the Government Shutdown and Privatizing the Postal Service Have in Common?  Minnesotans Experience Mail Delays 

Mental Health Screening

The USPS offers free, anonymous mental health screening to all employees and their families. Screening for depression and alcoholism are done via telephone or the internet. People who use these services will be offered brief questionnaires that...

Paul Ryan’s April Fools’ Day Budget Would Cut Medicare Dramatically

On Tuesday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released another Republican budget proposal - this one for the 2015 fiscal year - that would slash programs that benefit seniors in order to cut taxes for corporations and high income...
