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E.g., 03/09/2025
E.g., 03/09/2025

APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service

March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"

NY TIMES: As Trump Eyes the Postal Service, Concerns Grow Over Its Independence

March 6, 2025
President Trump’s attempt to exert more control over the U.S. Postal Service has fueled concerns that those efforts could hurt the agency’s ability to reliably deliver mail to all corners of the country, a mandate that is core to its mission.

Contract Negotiations: Union Members Say it with Stickers, Flyers and More

May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Members of the San Jose Area Local distribute flyers outside a post office. Stickers and flyers and headbands, oh my! As contract negotiations continue...

Shining a Light on Secret Money

May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Since 2010, the amount of “dark money” – campaign funds whose source is kept secret – has skyrocketed, thanks to the Supreme Court ruling known as...

Robin Hood Lives!

May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Rep. Keith Ellison introduces the Robin Hood Tax on March 19. A proposal is gaining traction that would refund to the people of the country the billions...

The Good, the Bad and Congress

May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Congressional representatives should be serving us, the American people. Some members of Congress try to make things better for seniors and working...

Spreading the Word, Gearing Up for Action

May 1, 2015
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Since the successful launch of A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service on Feb. 12, APWU’s allies have been busy spreading the word about the...
