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It is Time to File Your Labor-Management Report!
March 11, 2025
March 31 is fast approaching! It is especially important that local and state treasurers file their annual Labor-Management (LM) report for the Department of Labor (DOL) by its due date of March 31. All locals must file an annual LM financial report...
Don't Panic, Organize!
March 11, 2025
“Big Fish” corporations and the billionaires trying to run our country have an open path to swallow workers whole by driving down pay and benefits and busting unions for profit. However, when we organize and stand together, we have the power to stop...
e-Team Report, Jan. 23, 2015
January 23, 2015
New Postal Amendment to Pipeline Bill
Whether or not to approve construction of the Keystone tar sands pipeline is one of the first pieces of legislation that the Senate has taken up since the 114th Congress came into session this month. For this...
Contract Campaign Training Session: Ready to Get Started!
January 22, 2015
APWU members from the Northeast Region participate in a CAT Team training
Training for the union’s campaign to win a good contract moved to the Northeast Region on Jan. 21 and 22, and participants left the two-day session ready to get started.
APWU Members Take Part in King Day Activities
January 22, 2015
APWU member David Yao and NALC retiree Jack Hayes participated in events before a Martin Luther King Jr. Day rally in Seattle on Jan. 19.
Protests Mark Fifth Anniversary of Citizens United
January 21, 2015
On Wednesday Jan. 21, dozens braved the snow to protest the fifth anniversary of Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates to allow a tidal wave of corporate money to influence politics.
Postal Unions, Allies Launch ‘Campaign for Postal Banking’
January 19, 2015
A coalition of consumer organizations, financial reform groups, faith-based organizations and workers' representative – including the APWU and the other postal unions – announced the formation of the Campaign for Postal Banking on Jan. 19. The...