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E.g., 03/12/2025
E.g., 03/12/2025

It is Time to File Your Labor-Management Report!

March 11, 2025
March 31 is fast approaching! It is especially important that local and state treasurers file their annual Labor-Management (LM) report for the Department of Labor (DOL) by its due date of March 31. All locals must file an annual LM financial report...

Don't Panic, Organize!

March 11, 2025
“Big Fish” corporations and the billionaires trying to run our country have an open path to swallow workers whole by driving down pay and benefits and busting unions for profit. However, when we organize and stand together, we have the power to stop...

Dimondstein on Joe Madison's Radio Show

January 9, 2015
APWU President Mark Dimondstein was interviewed on Joe Madison’s Urban View radio show on Jan. 9. 

2015 Dues Disbursement Schedule

January 9, 2015
The table below indicates the date and corresponding pay period in which locals and state organizations can expect headquarters to deposit the Dues Check Off (DCO) rebate monies via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).

Contract Campaign Training Sparks Great Enthusiasm

January 9, 2015
Training for the union’s campaign to win a good contract got underway for locals in the APWU’s Western Region on Jan. 6, and participants left the two-day session downright excited about the possibilities.  

OIG: Postal Service, Customers Would Suffer if Mail Processing Were Eliminated

January 8, 2015
A little-noticed OIG report bolsters the union’s position that mail processing plants are crucial to Postal Service operations and should not be privatized.

Gearing Up and Gettin' Down (to Business)

January 5, 2015
Negotiations for the next collective bargaining agreement (CBA) are scheduled to begin in mid-February, and the Industrial Relations Department has been busy researching material and developing strategies for contract talks.
