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E.g., 03/12/2025
E.g., 03/12/2025

It is Time to File Your Labor-Management Report!

March 11, 2025
March 31 is fast approaching! It is especially important that local and state treasurers file their annual Labor-Management (LM) report for the Department of Labor (DOL) by its due date of March 31. All locals must file an annual LM financial report...

Don't Panic, Organize!

March 11, 2025
“Big Fish” corporations and the billionaires trying to run our country have an open path to swallow workers whole by driving down pay and benefits and busting unions for profit. However, when we organize and stand together, we have the power to stop...

A Look Back: The Charleston Five

December 31, 2014
Soon after dockworkers formed a picket line at the Port of Charleston, SC, in January 2000, five among them became the focus of worldwide protests and international solidarity – symbols of the fight for justice. And after a 22-month battle, a...

Recognizing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

December 23, 2014
  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that affects nearly 8 million Americans each year. In fact, 10 percent of our country’s women and 4 percent of its men will develop PTSD in their lifetime. Statistics are higher...

Unstable Hours Are Killing Workers

December 23, 2014
  On Aug. 25, 2014, Maria Fernandes was found dead inside her automobile. The 32-year old worked at three different Dunkin Donuts stores in New Jersey and frequently napped in her car between shifts. She also carried a gasoline container in the...

Stop Delaying America's Mail

December 23, 2014
APWU members held more than 150 protests on Nov. 14, with events in all 50 states, to send a message to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe and the USPS Board of Governors: Stop Delaying America’s Mail! The protests received extensive media coverage...

We Must Make Our ‘Cause’ the People’s Cause!

December 23, 2014
The APWU is gearing up for a major battle: The fight to win a good contract for our members, while we fight for a vibrant, public Postal Service for the people of the country. Negotiations are set to begin on Feb. 19, three months before the current...
