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It is Time to File Your Labor-Management Report!
March 11, 2025
March 31 is fast approaching! It is especially important that local and state treasurers file their annual Labor-Management (LM) report for the Department of Labor (DOL) by its due date of March 31. All locals must file an annual LM financial report...
Don't Panic, Organize!
March 11, 2025
“Big Fish” corporations and the billionaires trying to run our country have an open path to swallow workers whole by driving down pay and benefits and busting unions for profit. However, when we organize and stand together, we have the power to stop...
Honoring the Heroes of the Great Postal Strike
March 18, 2015
On the 45th anniversary of the Great Postal Strike, the APWU honors the brave men and women who risked their livelihoods to stand up for a better future. “The heroes of the 1970 postal strike defied unjust laws to win decent pay, and their victory...
California Retirees Host Tailgate Party
March 18, 2015
APWU retirees in the Golden State took a bite out of privatization by hosting a Contract Campaign Tailgate Party.
Central Region POWER Conference
March 16, 2015
The APWU POWER Central Region Educational Conference will be held on Saturday, May 2 through Sunday, May 3. The deadline to register for hotel rooms is Friday, April 3, 2015. For more information and to register, click here.
United Mine Workers Adopt ‘Stop Staples’ Resolution
March 16, 2015
The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) is among the most recent supporters of the Stop Staples campaign, adopting a resolution urging “members, friends, colleagues and family members to stop shopping at Staples stores until further notice.”
APWU President Reports on Negotiations
March 13, 2015
APWU President Mark Dimondstein presents an update for union members on contract negotiations. The bargaining report is available to APWU members only.