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This Workers’ Memorial Day, File a PS Form 1767 - Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice
March 12, 2025
This Workers’ Memorial Day, we are calling on our members to take part in collective action to make sure our workplaces are clean, safe, and healthy! On April 28, fill out and file a PS Form 1767 – Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice....
Stand Up for Safe Jobs on Workers' Memorial Day!
March 12, 2025
On April 28, Workers Memorial Day, I challenge all of you to be willing to Stand Up for Safe Jobs and take action on this day. There are many things you can do:
e-Team Report, Feb. 26, 2015
February 26, 2015
Republicans in Wisconsin are attempting to rush so-called “Right to Work” legislation through the state Senate. Just days ago, Governor Scott Walker stated he would sign such legislation if it reaches his desk, a stark reversal from his campaign...
Workers Show Union Pride as Negotiations Begin
February 23, 2015
As contract negotiations got underway, APWU members across the country displayed union solidarity.
Click here to see photos.
Congressional Support Grows for Prompt, Reliable Mail
February 23, 2015
The bipartisan coalition of lawmakers saying “No” to delayed mail is growing by the day. Since the end of January, 46 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors of House Resolution 54 (H.Res.54). The resolution,...
At Opening of Contract Talks, Union Breaks with Tradition
February 20, 2015
Contract negotiations between the American Postal Workers Union and the U.S. Postal Service got underway on Feb. 19 with a dramatic break from tradition. Joining the APWU at the opening session were actor-activist Danny Glover and AFL-CIO President...
Alliance Members Visit Over 120 Congressional Offices during Lobby Week
February 20, 2015
Members of the Alliance visited over 120 Members of Congress and staff in their home states this week during the Presidents Day recess.
“Under the new 114th Congress, retirees issues are once again under attack from many directions including...