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E.g., 07/31/2024
E.g., 07/31/2024

Interview: Tefere Gebre on Labor and Environmental Justice

July 31, 2024
The American Postal Worker recently spoke with the Greenpeace USA’s Chief Program Officer Tefere Gebre, who has over 30 years of experience in coalition building, activism, and organizing in the labor movement.

Our Labor History: Cesar Chavez Leads "1,000 Mile March" for Farm-Worker Rights in California

July 31, 2024
This month in Labor History, we look back at the “1,000 mile march” lead by Cesar Chavez for farm-workers rights in California.

Mail Handlers Make It Official: Don’t Buy Staples

May 28, 2014
The National Postal Mail Handlers Union continues to demonstrate outstanding support for the Stop Staples campaign, with its National Executive Board voting unanimously to endorse the APWU’s ‘Don’t Buy’ call.

New Hampshire Teachers Union Joins ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ Campaign

May 27, 2014
The New Hampshire chapter of the American Federation of Teachers has joined the movement to Stop Staples, with the Board of Directors voting on May 23 to endorse the ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ campaign. The AFT-New Hampshire represents  4,000 teachers,...

Committee Passes Controversial Issa Bill

May 21, 2014
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members passed the latest postal bill offered by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), which would end “door delivery” for 15 million postal customers. The vote, which passed along party lines 18-13,...

APWU Urges ‘No’ Vote on Issa’s Latest Postal Bill

May 21, 2014
The APWU is urging House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members to vote ‘no’ on the latest postal bill offered by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), which would end “door delivery” for 15 million postal customers. The committee is scheduled to...

Dimondstein Discusses Postal Finances on Radio, TV with Ed Schultz

May 20, 2014
APWU President Mark Dimondstein appeared on The Ed Schultz Radio Show and The Ed Show on MSNBC to will discuss postal finances – and how Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe seems determined to use the ginned-up crisis to justify piecemeal...
