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E.g., 01/10/2025
E.g., 01/10/2025

The Mail is Not for Sale!

January 8, 2025
The fast and furious online reaction to The [Washington] Post’s Dec. 19 editorial underscores how strongly the people support and trust the U.S. Postal Service.

Clerk Division Fills Two Vacant NBA Positions

January 7, 2025
Recently, two National Business Agent (NBA) positions became vacant in the Clerk Division. Robert “Bob” Romanowski left his NBA job in the Philadelphia Region when he was promoted to the newly established Assistant Director “C”, Clerk Division...

Half-Mile Move Prompts DHL Demand: ‘Re-Apply for Your Job

Shipping giant DHL is closing down a processing center near Allentown, PA, and opening a new facility, also near Allentown, PA. In fact, the two workplaces are a half-mile apart, which has not prevented the company from asking approximately 400...

Dispute Initiated Over 60 Day Excessing Notice to Employees

The union recently intiated a national dispute over management's failure to adhere to an agreement between the parties that when employees are excessed outside their craft or installation, such employees will be provided notice of a minimum of 60...

e-Team Report, May 3, 2013

APWU encourages continued support for S. 316/ H.R. 630 Sign the ‘We The People’ petition for a White House response on saving the Postal Service Federal retirees targeted by high interest pension-‘advance’ lenders USPS Board of Governors holds open...

Personal Belongings During Interim Trips for Off-Site Training

A Step 4 agreement dated March 11, 2005, between the APWU and the USPS addresses the right of postal employees who are engaged in off-site training to leave their personal belongings in their rooms during interim trips.

Stand up to the American Legislative Exchange Council and Protect Pensions

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a corporate-funded, “pay-to-play” lobbying group that brings corporations and state legislators together to craft “model” legislation. The “model bills” they craft, regrettably, put corporate...
