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E.g., 07/18/2024
E.g., 07/18/2024

Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024
On Day 2 of APWU's 27th Biennial Conveniton, delegates continue work on convention business and rally for a good contract.

APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Begins; President Dimondstein Delivers State of the Union

July 16, 2024
APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Began on July 15; President Dimondstein Delivers his State of the Union Address.

A Bad Bill Made Worse

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Reform approved the Postal Reform Act of 2014 (also known as the Carper-Coburn Bill) on Feb. 6, clearing the way for the bill to be considered by the full Senate. The meeting had been...

Post-Convention Workshops

The Research & Education Department is proud to announce that the APWU will sponsor its 10th Educational Conference, a National Convention event that provides union members with a wealth of information to take home to their locals and state...

Managing Stress

We all face challenges and obstacles, and sometimes the pressure can be hard to handle.

e-Team Report, Feb. 1, 2013

Upcoming Senate Hearing on Postal Finances Who Is Your Legislative & Political Grassroots Coordinator? USPS Job Cuts Weigh Heavily on Minorities and Veterans  Postal Reform Can’t Wait! AFL-CIO’s Favors Comprehensive Immigration Reform that...

Leaders in Washington Pushing to Strengthen and Expand Social Security

In a sign that the push to expand Social Security is continuing to build support, on Wednesday Senators Mark Begich (D-AK) and Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced the Retirement and Income Security Enhancements (RAISE) Act. The RAISE Act would enhance...
