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E.g., 07/06/2024
E.g., 07/06/2024

Contract Negotiations Begin – APWU Negotiating Team Delivers Opening Day Remarks

June 27, 2024
On June 25, contract negotiations began for our next main collective bargaining agreement with the Postal Service. The current contract expires on Sept. 20. Both the union and postal management exchanged opening statements, outlining their...

APWU “Building Union Power” National Organizing Drive Blasts Past Goal, Recruits 8707 New Members

June 27, 2024
The Building Union Power national organizing drive concluded on June 25, and by end of day, hit 8707 new members!

Progress Made In Drug and Alcohol Testing

After a long and arduous struggle, the USPS has published “Drug and Alcohol Testing of Employees With a Commercial Driver’s License,” a revised version of a Management Instruction. We consider the publication of this new MI (PO-720-95-3) a real...

Union Protests Assignment of ET Duties

 The union has initiated a dispute at the national level (Case # Q06T-4Q-C-07270988) protesting the Postal Service’s decision to use contractors and other non-Maintenance Craft employees to install upgraded computer software on PARS machines. The...

An Opportunity to Earn a Degree

Because so much of the work can be done online, union members, officers, retirees, and staff can earn Bachelor of Arts degrees (B.A.), from the National Labor College (NLC) while continuing to hold full-time jobs, virtually anywhere.

Rallying Community Support Is Key to Keeping Post Offices Open

Too far for walking, too crowded for waiting, and too congested for driving and parking.” The phrase has become almost a mantra in communities where the Postal Service is rushing to shut down retail units, and shunt consumers off to what might be...

e-Team Report, June 7, 2013

Grassroots Community Support Needed for Postal Reform Some in Congress Make Headlines Instead of Solutions OIG Survey Finds Internet-Connected Americans Support USPS Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Remembered  Obama Nominates Three to Fill Crucial...
