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E.g., 07/21/2024
E.g., 07/21/2024

Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

July 19, 2024
Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

Democracy in Action: Robust Debate Dominates Convention's Third Day

July 18, 2024
On the third day of the 27th Biennial Convention, APWU Delegates dominating democracy in action.

Dispute Over 90 Day Notice of Excessing Appealed to Arbitration

The union recently appealed to national arbitration an issue concerning the employer's obligation to meet with the union at the regional level no less than 90 days prior to involuntarily reassigning bargaining unit employees outside their craft or...

e-Team Report, Oct. 28, 2011

Sign the Petition! Urge Your Member of Congress to Oppose H.R. 2309! Republican Presidential Candidates Support Efforts of Governor to End Collective Bargaining for State Public Sector Workers House Committee Again Looks to Diminish Power of NLRB

Progress Made In Drug and Alcohol Testing

After a long and arduous struggle, the USPS has published “Drug and Alcohol Testing of Employees With a Commercial Driver’s License,” a revised version of a Management Instruction. We consider the publication of this new MI (PO-720-95-3) a real...

Union Protests Assignment of ET Duties

 The union has initiated a dispute at the national level (Case # Q06T-4Q-C-07270988) protesting the Postal Service’s decision to use contractors and other non-Maintenance Craft employees to install upgraded computer software on PARS machines. The...

Rallying Community Support Is Key to Keeping Post Offices Open

Too far for walking, too crowded for waiting, and too congested for driving and parking.” The phrase has become almost a mantra in communities where the Postal Service is rushing to shut down retail units, and shunt consumers off to what might be...
