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E.g., 07/17/2024
E.g., 07/17/2024

Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024
On Day 2 of APWU's 27th Biennial Conveniton, delegates continue work on convention business and rally for a good contract.

APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Begins; President Dimondstein Delivers State of the Union

July 16, 2024
APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Began on July 15; President Dimondstein Delivers his State of the Union Address.

Fighting Contract Postal Units; Protecting Retail Jobs

The USPS announcement in May that more than 3,200 stations and branches in Level 24-and-above post offices would be evaluated for possible consolidation or closure has sparked great concern across the country. Retail employees are understandably...

Building Self-Esteem

Of all the judgment calls we make, none are as important as the ones we make about ourselves. Low self-esteem can lead to a wide range of personal problems, often masking what is truly wrong, and resulting in underachievement, fear of commitment,...

Meet Our New Favorite Ball Team Breakfast for Champions

APWU locals all over the country are seizing the opportunity to support the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team. The Human Relations Department asked locals and state organizations to host a breakfast and organize our members to cheer for this...

e-Team Report, Jan. 19, 2013

The Approaching Postal Cliff Ed Schultz and Rep. Gerry Connolly Shine a Spotlight on the Postal War on Workers PRC Cautions Against Board of Governors Accelerated Plans  Presidential Inauguration and MLK Day of Service

Aging Baby Boomers Expected to Almost Double Nation’s Senior Population

Two newly released reports from the U.S. Census Bureau project that the 65-and-older population in the United States will nearly double by 2050. That segment of the population is expected to jump from 43.1 million in 2012 to 83.7 million in 2050....
