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E.g., 07/17/2024
E.g., 07/17/2024

Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024
On Day 2 of APWU's 27th Biennial Conveniton, delegates continue work on convention business and rally for a good contract.

APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Begins; President Dimondstein Delivers State of the Union

July 16, 2024
APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Began on July 15; President Dimondstein Delivers his State of the Union Address.

A Risk in Going Part-Time

“What is the Part-Time Pro-ration Factor?” This continues to be the most-asked-about and talked-about subject in our retirement seminars.

Families Too

During our visits to medical facilities we have met many family members — mostly young wives, but also husbands, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and children who are there to stand vigil and to provide support while their loved one endures his or her...

e-Team Report, July 8, 2011

APWU to Launch TV Ad Campaign to Correct Deception about need for USPS “Bailout” along with Kicking Off Organizing Drive H.R. 1351 Cosponsor List Continues to Grow However, More Cosponsors Still Needed! NLRB Proposed Rule Changes Board of Governors...

Ready to Fight Against the Odds

Greetings! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kennith L. Beasley, and I am the newly-elected Southern Region Coordinator. I am totally humbled and honored to represent APWU members in the Southern Region.

Consolidation: Fighting Back

Following the consolidation of the Middlesex-Essex (MA) Processing & Distribution Center with the Boston plant in 2013, the national APWU and the Boston Area Local met with the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to file a complaint about...
