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APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service
March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"
NY TIMES: As Trump Eyes the Postal Service, Concerns Grow Over Its Independence
March 6, 2025
President Trump’s attempt to exert more control over the U.S. Postal Service has fueled concerns that those efforts could hurt the agency’s ability to reliably deliver mail to all corners of the country, a mandate that is core to its mission.
Ballot Counting Underway in APWU Election
October 6, 2016
UPDATE 12:45 p.m. - The American Arbitration Association has resolved technical difficulties that were affecting the display of results in the APWU election of national union officers.
Click here or visit voting.oscworld.com to see partial...
Ballots Collected in APWU Election of Officers
October 5, 2016
Members of the APWU Election Committee collected ballots for the 2016 election of national officers from the designated post office box at 2 p.m. on Oct. 5 and transported them to the Kellogg Conference Center at Gallaudet University, where they...
Help Get Out the Vote!
October 5, 2016
Working people win when we turn out to vote in large numbers. The Nov. 8 election will not only determine the next president, it will determine the makeup of Congress, as well as state and local offices. In many places, the election will decide...
Locals: Ask Candidates to Boycott Staples!
October 3, 2016
It’s now easy to encourage candidates for local, state and national office to boycott Staples and Quill.com.
Click here for a sample letter, which can be signed by local leadership and mailed to candidates.
Portland OR Defends Door-to-Door Delivery
October 3, 2016
Members of the Portland [OR] Area Local attended a rally defending door-to-door delivery organized by the local branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), on Sept. 29.