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E.g., 02/25/2025
E.g., 02/25/2025

Unions Rally to Fight Back Against Illegal Postal Takeover

February 24, 2025
On Feb. 24, 2025, hundreds of union members joined together to show that workers are prepared to fight back against the proposed, illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service. Unions, including the Communications Workers of America (CWA),...

Statement of APWU President Mark Dimondstein on Attacks to the Public Postal Service

February 20, 2025
The Washington Post has reported that the Trump Administration will soon issue an Executive Order firing the Postal Board of Governors, and placing the United States Postal Service under the control of the Commerce Department.

Postal Service Default: A Congressionally-Manufactured Crisis

The Postal Service’s default on a $5.5 billion payment to the U.S. Treasury on Aug. 1 — and an expected default on Sept. 30 — is the result of a congressionally-manufactured crisis that could have been avoided, the APWU charged over the summer....

Pregnancy Discrimination

In 2005, approximately 4,500 charges of pregnancy-based discrimination were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC resolved nearly all of them, and recovered an average of $2,700 per complaint.

End Unwanted Telemarketing Calls

Have you ever sat down to a peaceful dinner only to be interrupted by a call from a telemarketer? If so, you’re not alone. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created the National Do- Not-Call Registry in June 2003 in response to consumer...

e-Team Report, Dec. 6, 2013

The Staples Deal: Postal Service Moves to Privatize Mail Service Letter Carrier Killed After Postal Cuts Create Unsafe Working Conditions APWU Brings the Street Heat Walmart Workers & Labor Groups Protest Poverty Wages on Black Friday From...

Quality Home Care and Public Sector Unions at Risk in Supreme Court Case

In the coming weeks, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a ruling in Harris v. Quinn, a case involving the payment of union dues by public-sector home health workers in Illinois. The decision could come as early as next week or as late as the end of...
