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E.g., 02/27/2025
E.g., 02/27/2025

Unions Rally to Fight Back Against Illegal Postal Takeover

February 24, 2025
On Feb. 24, 2025, hundreds of union members joined together to show that workers are prepared to fight back against the proposed, illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service. Unions, including the Communications Workers of America (CWA),...

Pres. Dimondstein On the Airwaves Against Illegal USPS Takeover

February 24, 2025
On Friday major news outlets began reporting that President Trump plans an illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service. In response, APWU President Mark Dimondstein took to the airwaves to show what is at stake.

Re-Employment Rules For Postal, Federal Retirees

Under civil service retirement laws covering CSRS and FERS employees, retirees are not barred from postal or federal re-employment in appointed or elected positions for which they are qualified. People who retired under other retirement laws,...

Another Biased Report Calls for Privatizing Mail Processing

Another conservative think tank has jumped on the “privatize everything but the last mile” bandwagon, reports APWU Executive Vice President Greg Bell. A June 2013 report by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation offers a plan that...

e-Team Report, Sept. 30, 2011

Postal Unions Rally All Across the Country for H.R. 1351 McCain Introduces Version Of Issa’s Bill in the Senate Multiple U. S. Reps. Introduce Postal Legislation APWU President Guffey on MSNBC’s Ed Show and CSPAN H.R. 1351 Tops as Thomas’s Most...

Sexual Harassment (Part 2)

Employees who are victims of sexual harassment often fail to report it because they are embarrassed and think nothing will be done to stop it. They fear reprisals, being labeled a troublemaker or prude, or being ridiculed.

Dispute Over Priority Scheduling for Overtime Is Appealed to Arbitration

The APWU has appealed to arbitration a dispute over whether it is a violation of Article 8, Section 5.H, of the National Agreement when the Postal Service does not schedule full-time employees on the Overtime Desired List (OTDL) for overtime work...
