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APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service
March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"
NY TIMES: As Trump Eyes the Postal Service, Concerns Grow Over Its Independence
March 6, 2025
President Trump’s attempt to exert more control over the U.S. Postal Service has fueled concerns that those efforts could hurt the agency’s ability to reliably deliver mail to all corners of the country, a mandate that is core to its mission.
Mid-Year Refresher: Updates, Reminders
July 8, 2016
(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)
APWU officers and members have been very busy for the past year-and-a-half working for a fair contract, but we have continued pursuing other activities,...
Sustaining the Post Office
July 8, 2016
(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)
Sustaining a viable postal service has been a major concern of postal employees on the workroom floor. We have seen the threat of privatization coming from...
Make a Difference In the 2016 General Elections!
July 8, 2016
(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)
The November general election can either help save the people’s Postal Service or further hinder our chances of expanding and building our future. This is...
The 411 on Local Trustees’ Responsibilities
July 8, 2016
(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)
No matter the size of an organization or what it does, there are always concerns related to funding. It could be a social club, the Boy Scouts, your...
Full Speed Ahead
July 8, 2016
(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)
With half of 2016 gone, we have concluded our national contract negotiations, mediations and interest arbitration and you should be reviewing the...