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Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025)
February 3, 2025
Maintenance Director Idowu Balogun provides an update on the Maintenance PTR Settlement Payout as of February 2025.
How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue
February 3, 2025
Working in conjunction with Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor, the Industrial Relations Department has produced a presentation which provides step-by-step instructions on how active postal service employees with access to LiteBlue can navigate to the...
PARS Software Grievance Resolved
February 13, 2009
On Feb. 6, the union reached a favorable resolution of a dispute over the Postal Service's decision to assign the installation of hardware and software for the Postal Automation Redirection System (PARS) to employees of Siemens, the company that...
Defending the BMCs
January 1, 2009
First off, I want to wish everyone the happiest and healthiest New Year…
On a more somber note, however, we see that the Postal Service has begun to act on its strategic plan to contract out our parcel-post business to private companies. They have...
Isaac Myers: Pioneer of the African-American Trade Union Movement
December 31, 2008
It’s not unusual for a labor leader to have humble beginnings. Isaac Myers started out literally at the bottom, applying sticky sealant to the hulls of oceangoing ships. But he had a natural leadership style, and while his determination to prosper...
PostalEASE Enrollment Period For FEHB, FSA Extended
December 31, 2008
Postal workers will be able to make FEHB elections using PostalEASE employee self-service through Jan. 13, 2009, the Postal Service has announced. These extended-deadline elections through PostalEASE are not available by phone.
APWU Secures More Space For Inaugural Assembly,Invites NALC
December 29, 2008
The APWU has reserved additional space for union members to gather on Inauguration Day, union President William Burrus has announced. Union members will be able to enjoy the event at the National Association of Home Builders, 1201 15 Street NW,...