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E.g., 01/11/2025
E.g., 01/11/2025

The Mail is Not for Sale!

January 8, 2025
The fast and furious online reaction to The [Washington] Post’s Dec. 19 editorial underscores how strongly the people support and trust the U.S. Postal Service.

Clerk Division Fills Two Vacant NBA Positions

January 7, 2025
Recently, two National Business Agent (NBA) positions became vacant in the Clerk Division. Robert “Bob” Romanowski left his NBA job in the Philadelphia Region when he was promoted to the newly established Assistant Director “C”, Clerk Division...

What’s Different About Staples?

Many APWU members have asked, “What makes the Staples program so important? How is it different from the other programs that outsource postal retail functions – the grocery stores that sell stamps and the Village Post Offices in hardware stores and...

Wall Street Journal Profiles People Affected by Failure to Expand Medicaid…

The Affordable Care Act was meant to cover people in part by expanding Medicaid to workers earning up to the federal poverty line—about $11,670 for a single person; more for families. In addition, people earning as much as four times the poverty...

USPS Misrepresentations Lead to Barrage of Criticism

The Postal Service’s top management, including Postmaster General Donahoe, has been drawing fire from all sides in recent months, after a series of disturbing and embarrassing revelations. Criticism of postal management started mounting after the...

Union Wins Major Attendance Case

In an award issued Jan. 28, 2005, Arbitrator Shyam Das sustained the APWU's arguments on two of three outstanding issues in a significant attendance case. 

Recognizing, Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It can occur when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands.
