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E.g., 07/21/2024
E.g., 07/21/2024

Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

July 19, 2024
Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

Democracy in Action: Robust Debate Dominates Convention's Third Day

July 18, 2024
On the third day of the 27th Biennial Convention, APWU Delegates dominating democracy in action.

Internal Strife Can Destroy the Family

We have heard it most of our lives: “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” That famous quote by President Abraham Lincoln referred to our national “house.” It certainly applies to our union, which is like a big family. We need unity to win...

Dispute Over Reassignments of Partially Recovered Employees

This grievance involves the failure of the USPS to use craft seniority when making wholesale rehab/limited duty assignments after reassessing all of the medically restricted assignments in an installation. 

Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) Training Is Part of DIE Job Description

A letter [PDF] from USPS to APWU President William Burrus rescinded a proposed change to the DIE position description that would have removed PIT training duties. (Includes accompanying documents.)

e-Team Report, Nov. 10, 2011

Senate Hearing National Protests of Voter ID Laws Scheduled for December 10th Easy Voting Act of 2011 - HR 3163 Successful Ohio and Maine Elections

Frequently Asked Questions About The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

EAP is a free, voluntary program available to postal employees and their families. It is intended to provide timely, quality, confidential assistance when it is needed.
