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E.g., 01/15/2025
E.g., 01/15/2025

Updated Function Four Operation Numbers

January 15, 2025
“Clerks should ensure that they are on the correct workhour operation. Standby codes are NOT work hours.” - Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks

Maintenance PTR Payment Distribution Is on the Way

January 14, 2025
BREAKING NEWS: Your share of the PTR payment distribution is on the way

Prerequisites for Training

Job training required for promotion has been the subject of discussion between the union and USPS management at the national level for many years.

Seniors Show Support for APWU

Seniors showed support for the APWU’s critical issues by signing Stop Staples postcards addressed to the company’s CEO, Ron Sargent, at the convention of the 4.2 million-member Alliance for Retired Americans April 28-May 1. The delegates understood...

Arm Yourself With Knowledge

An important part of building our power is arming ourselves with knowledge. But if we rely only on the corporate-owned media, we are likely to receive a heavy dose of misinformation along with analysis that is biased in favor of big business. We...

Unemployment Compensation

Injured employees who undergo the National Reassessment Process (NRP) and are told by the Postal Service either that there is only partial-day work available or that there is no work available, should consider applying for unemployment compensation...

Driver Selection, Orientation, Familiarization & Certification

USPS Memo [PDF] to District Managers of Customer Service & Sales, dated Jan. 27, 1994, and cover letter to APWU. DIEs will continue to perform their duties, despite large-scale abolishments in 1994.
