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E.g., 07/20/2024
E.g., 07/20/2024

Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

July 19, 2024
Delegates Complete Their Work on Resolutions as the Convention Comes to a Close

Democracy in Action: Robust Debate Dominates Convention's Third Day

July 18, 2024
On the third day of the 27th Biennial Convention, APWU Delegates dominating democracy in action.

Stand up to the American Legislative Exchange Council and Protect Pensions

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a corporate-funded, “pay-to-play” lobbying group that brings corporations and state legislators together to craft “model” legislation. The “model bills” they craft, regrettably, put corporate...

Problems with Central ‘Case Create’

On Oct. 1, 2011, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC), centralized its case creation and data entry operations. The change does not affect how workers make injury claims or file for...

Resource Management Database (RMD) Settlement

A pre-arbitration settlement (USPS #Q98C-4Q-C 01005505) concerning the Postal Service’s Resource Management Database (RMD) and its web-based enterprise Resource Management System (eRMS). 

Ensuring Financial Stability

A sufficient amount of money in savings accounts can protect you from unexpected financial hardships, such as those associated with illness or divorce. Financial advisors recommend that everyone have at least three months’ salary in the bank for...

Stewards' Status in MSPB Appeals

Recently, the union has received inquiries about the right of stewards to prepare appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) while “on the clock.” After a review with APWU’s general counsel, the following represents the APWU’s position on...
