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E.g., 02/03/2025
E.g., 02/03/2025

Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025)

February 3, 2025
Maintenance Director Idowu Balogun provides an update on the Maintenance PTR Settlement Payout as of February 2025.

How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue

February 3, 2025
Working in conjunction with Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor, the Industrial Relations Department has produced a presentation which provides step-by-step instructions on how active postal service employees with access to LiteBlue can navigate to the...

Incentive Letters to be Sent Beginning Oct. 10

October 10, 2012
The USPS is scheduled to send letters offering incentives to APWU-represented employees who are eligible for regular retirement or voluntary early retirement (VER) during the week of Oct. 10. The letter and additional information will be mailed to...

Clerk Craft Challenges Plan To Transfer Time & Attendance Work

October 10, 2012
The APWU is challenging a Postal Service decision to transfer duties of Time and Attendance Control System (TACS) clerks to another bargaining unit.

PRC Urges USPS To Preserve Overnight Delivery

October 2, 2012
In an advisory opinion on the Postal Service’s “Network Rationalization” plan issued Sept. 28, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) urged the Postal Service to preserve overnight mail delivery and concluded that ”there is a point in the Postal...

OSHA Cites Tucson Postal Facility for Exposing Workers to Potential Injuries

October 2, 2012
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited the Cherrybell Stravenue Processing and Distribution Center in Tucson Sept. 25 for a willful safety violation for the improper operation of a powered...

APWU, USPS Negotiate Retirement Incentive

October 1, 2012
The APWU has negotiated a retirement incentive agreement that awards eligible full-time career employees a $15,000 payment in two installments, President Cliff Guffey has announced. The first installment will be $10,000; the second will be $5,000.
