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This Workers’ Memorial Day, File a PS Form 1767 - Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice
March 12, 2025
This Workers’ Memorial Day, we are calling on our members to take part in collective action to make sure our workplaces are clean, safe, and healthy! On April 28, fill out and file a PS Form 1767 – Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice....
Stand Up for Safe Jobs on Workers' Memorial Day!
March 12, 2025
On April 28, Workers Memorial Day, I challenge all of you to be willing to Stand Up for Safe Jobs and take action on this day. There are many things you can do:
Arbitrator Grants Postal Nurses Raises, Job Security
April 30, 2009
An arbitration panel finalized a five-year contract for postal nurses on April 28 — the first since the National Postal Professional Nurses merged with the APWU. The ruling came more than 20 months after the nurses’ independent Collective Bargaining...

APWU Member Back From 2nd Tour in Iraq
April 7, 2009
APWU member Drew Yerger is looking forward to his second time around as a window clerk. It will be a pleasant change of pace and workplace: His last job was in the Iraqi desert. It was his second time around there, too.
Postal Nurses’ Interest Arbitration Hearings Conclude
April 6, 2009
Interest-arbitration hearings over a contract between the National Postal Professional Nurses-APWU and the Postal Service concluded April 2. Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg is expected to issue a ruling within the next several weeks on the wages, hours...
Postal Nurses Hold First Election Since 2007 Merger With APWU
April 6, 2009
Postal Nurses Hold First Election Since 2007 Merger With APWU
Locals Urged to File OSHA Complaints on DBCSs
March 31, 2009
The APWU is urging locals to file OSHA complaints over identified ergonomic hazards on Delivery Bar Code Sorter machines. In a letter to local presidents, Industrial Relations Director Greg Bell asked locals with DBCS machines to file OSHA...