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E.g., 07/29/2024
E.g., 07/29/2024

Standing Strong to Build a Bigger Union and Advance Forward, Together

July 29, 2024
The best way to win big is by “standing strong” to build a bigger union. Members should continue to encourage nonmember coworkers to join the APWU.

Negotiations is Our Path to Winning an All-Career Workforce

July 29, 2024
 Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash provides overview of APWU’s main objectives during contract negotiations.

USPS Districts Currently Under Phase 2 Of the National Reassessment Process

The Postal Service continues to implement Phase 2 of the National Reassessment Process (NRP) in USPS Districts across the country. There is no set schedule that establishes a date when a particular District will begin Phase 2.  

U.S. House Approves Ryan Budget that Slashes Medicare

In a nearly party-line vote, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted 219-205 on Thursday to approve a 2015 budget plan unveiled last week by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Ryan’s plan would make sharp cuts...

Avian (Bird) Flu Safety and Health Information

The Postal Service has issued an updated "Safety Talk" covering the mailing of birds and avian flu. In addition, the following information is provided to give you further information and to address concerns regarding protecting yourself.

As Deadline Nears, APWU Keeps Up the Fight

Time is running out. We are quickly approaching the May 15 expiration of the moratorium on the closure and consolidation of mail processing plants and post offices. The moratorium is intended to give Congress the opportunity to pass a bill to...

Avoid the Crisis of Foreclosure

Millions of American homeowners are facing financial difficulties because of the way their mortgages are structured. Some borrowers did not understand the risks of a mortgage tied to fluctuating interest rates. Others borrowed more than they could...
