AGA Brings Postal Issues to the Public

July 8, 2016

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(This article first appeared in the July-August issue of The American Postal Worker Magazine)

John Seibel, an elections expert and president of True Ballot, testifies at the Baltimore Field Hearing.

One concrete way that A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service is working to bring postal issues to the attention of the public is by organizing field hearings around the country.

Over the last several months, APWU locals and allied groups and individuals have been holding hearings to examine postal issues that are important to the public, including mail delivery delays, the need for longer hours at post offices, and increased staffing at retail windows, as well as the protection of six-day and door-to-door delivery.

As of press time, three field hearings had been held: in Baltimore, MD; San Jose, CA; and New York, NY. APWU locals in each location were instrumental in bringing together diverse voices, including small business owners, senior and retiree groups, labor organizations, faith groups and other grassroots organizations.

Two more field hearings are scheduled, one in Cleveland, OH, and another in Greensboro, NC. Visit for news and video of the events!

World Stamp Show

A Grand Alliance took part in the World Stamp Show in New York City, May 28 to June 4. This once-a-decade event drew tens of thousands of show-goers with a unique passion for stamp collecting and postal history and memorabilia.

The show is sponsored by the USPS and other post offices around the world. With great support from the NY Metro Area Local, the Alliance handed out material and connected the importance of protecting vibrant public postal services with the attendees’ enthusiasm for philately.

Impact of ‘Cutting Corners’

Alliance member In The Public Interest, which studies the impact of privatization across various industries in the public sector, recently published a report titled “Cutting Corners.”

The report details the negative impact of “cost-cutting” by contracting out public services. The negative effects included reducing the quality and accessibility of services, lowering staffing levels, cutting wages, and sidestepping protections for the public, workers and the environment.

These impacts are already evident in the case of postal privatization. So-called cost-cutting measures are taking a toll on workers and mail delivery, which is why it’s so important to join with the public to fight subcontracting. You can read the entire report at

At The National Convention 

A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service will be at the 23rd Biennial APWU National Convention, Aug. 22-25, in Orlando, FL. Find our table in the exhibitors’ hall to pick up material and check out photos and video of the field hearings. Come discuss how your local can get involved!

A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service is a broad coalition of national, state and local organizations including Vote Vets, Jobs with Justice, National Council of Churches and Rainbow PUSH. These groups have come together to take a stand against the unprecedented assaults on the Postal Service including efforts to dismantle and privatize it. To join A Grand Alliance, visit


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