Stop Staples Frequently Asked Questions

March 1, 2016

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Stop Staples organizers hear a lot of questions when they pass out flyers asking customers to boycott the office-supply chain. To answer the most common questions, organizers created a Frequently Asked Questions brochure. Click here to download. Here are the FAQs:

1.  Why is there a boycott of Staples?

Because Staples and the U.S. Postal Service cut a deal setting up phony “post offices” inside their stores.

2.  Why should I care?

  • The U.S. Postal Service belongs to all of us – the people. The deal between Staples and the USPS is a step toward privatizing a great national treasure – handing over what’s ours to a corporation whose only interest is profit.
  •    It jeopardizes the sanctity & security of our mail.
    • Postal employees are highly-trained public servants who take an oath and are accountable to the people.
    •  Staples employees receive inadequate training on how to handle your mail.
    •  Letters and packages dropped off at Staples are left in unsecured containers until they are picked up by the Postal Service.
  •   The Postal Service respects your privacy. Staples collects personal information from customers.
  •    The Staples deal replaces good jobs our com-munities need with low-wage jobs. Staples employees earn about $8-10 an hour.


3. Why do you say it’s privatization?   

We call it “stealth privatization.” Polls show that more than 84% of the people have a favorable view of the Postal Service, making it the highest-rated federal agency. For that reason, the folks that want to privatize have gone “undercover.”

Postal management is indeed trying to replace post offices with private retail chains like Staples. It’s obvious that post offices have been closing, with reduced hours at many of those that remain. The Post Office has also been moving to privatize sortation and transportation of the mail. They’re trying to privatize the Postal Service one piece at a time! 

4. Isn’t the Postal Service going broke?

Actually, no. Despite what you may have heard, the USPS isn’t broke. To be more precise, it isn’t losing money sorting and delivering mail. In fact, the USPS made a combined surplus of $2.9 billion on its operations in fiscal years 2014 and 2015.

The USPS financial crisis is a manufactured one – caused by Congress. A 2006 law requires the Postal Service to pre-fund retirement healthcare benefits 75 years in advance. No other entity, public or private, bears this burden. The $5.5 billion annual cost of pre-funding is the cause of the “losses” you hear about on the news.

5. Why are lines at the post office so long and why is the mail so slow?

The long lines, inconvenient hours, and late mail delivery are the result of drastic cutbacks triggered by the phony financial crisis. Advocates of privatization are exploiting recent decisions to shorten post office hours, close many sorting facilities, and reduce delivery standards to justify calls for privatization of the Postal Service.

We’re fighting for better service, shorter lines, faster delivery, and new services.

6.  If postal management is behind this, why are you leafleting Staples?

Boycotting Staples is the way we can have the most impact. Many customers who hear about the boycott stop shopping at Staples.

7.  Doesn’t the Staples deal mean that my tax dollars won’t be used to prop up the Post Office anymore?

The Postal Service doesn’t get a dime of taxpayers’ money – and hasn’t in more than three decades! It’s funded by the sale of postage and services.

8.  Doesn’t the Internet make the Postal Service irrelevant?

Not at all. First-class mail has declined, but online shopping and e-commerce are causing an explosion in the number of packages sent by mail. Americans are using the Postal Service to receive medicine, goods ordered online, local newspapers, catalogues, bills and newsletters. And millions of Americans don’t use computers or email.

9.  What’s wrong with competition from private companies?

The Postal Service, which is enshrined in the Constitution, isn’t in business to make a profit. Its purpose is to serve all of the American people. It can only do that if it maintains its comprehensive, unified network of post offices, delivery routes, and mail-sorting facilities.

The Postal Service can’t walk away from unprofitable neighborhoods; private companies like Staples can – and they do.

10.  I’m convinced. What can I do to help?

Don’t shop at Staples or, and encourage your friends and family to stop shopping there as well. Contact us at for more ideas and information.

11.  Will you succeed?

Yes we will – with your help!

To get involved or for more info, text BOYCOTT STAPLES to 91990

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