‘Stand Up for Safe Jobs’ Campaign Gains Momentum
November 30, 2015
The APWU’s Stand Up for Safe Jobs campaign is gaining momentum!
Across the country locals have been placing a renewed emphasis on workers’ right to a safe workplace and have been distributing fact sheets outlining those rights.
about the"Stand Up For Safe Jobs" campaign
The latest is Fact Sheet #3, Can It Hurt Me? Can It Make Me Sick? It focuses on how workers can identify workplace hazards and some of the steps union members can take to eliminate them.
Fact Sheet #1, Know Your Contractual and Legal Rights, outlines management’s obligation to create a safe work environment.
Fact Sheet #2, What You Can Do About Unsafe Conditions – PS Form 1767 and You, focuses on an important tool in the battle for workplace safety. “The form enables every worker to play a role in documenting hazardous conditions and insisting that management correct them,” the fact sheet points out.
Upcoming fact sheets will address some of the other tactics we can utilize to ensure workplace safety.
Locals that need additional copies of the fact sheets can print them locally, or write to NCCC@apwu.org to order more.
A safe workplace must be the right of every worker!