Postal Relief Fund Available to Flood Victims
June 19, 2008
the levee in Cedar Falls, IA, June 10, 2008.
(Photo: FEMA)
Postal employees whose property was damaged or destroyed due to recent flooding in Iowa and other parts of the Midwest are eligible to apply for grants from the Postal Employees Relief Fund, APWU President William Burrus has reminded union members.
PERF provides financial assistance to postal employees and retirees who have suffered substantial losses as a result of natural disasters or home fires if they are not reimbursed by insurance or other grants. Supported and administered by the unions and the Postal Service, PERF is a tax-exempt charitable organization that is funded through donations from postal employees.
APWU locals and union members who wish to express solidarity with employees who are coping with the aftermath of the floods are asked to contribute generously to PERF.
To learn more about eligibility for assistance or to obtain an application, please visit, or write to:
Postal Employees Relief Fund
P.O. Box 34500
Washington, DC 20043-4500
June 13, 2008. (Photo: US Air Force)
To make a donation, visit PERF’s Web site,
To help APWU members find aid and relief services, the Human Relations Department has prepared an APWU Member Resource packet, which has been sent to all locals and state organizations in the affected areas.