Shine a Light on Dark Money
March 31, 2015
APWU President Mark Dimondstein will address a rally in front of the White House on April 2 calling on President Obama to issue an Executive Order requiring corporations that do business with the government to disclose their political spending.
“Our members declared at last year’s convention that ‘Money isn’t speech and corporations aren’t people,’” Dimondstein said. “Let’s make sure President Obama hears our voice; let’s make sure he acts now to shine a light on dark money.”
Americans are fed up with the current set-up, where corporations that bid for government contracts can hide their campaign spending. This has led to a corrupt pay-to-play system that allows government contractors to secretly funnel untold sums to help elect the very same lawmakers who are responsible for awarding government contracts.
Rally organizers will present petitions bearing hundreds of thousands of signatures calling for an executive order. Click here to sign the petition.