‘Don’t Buy Staples’ Movement Takes Off
July 1, 2014
As APWU members spread the word about the ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ campaign to other labor organizations and friends, the result of our hard work is paying off.
On May 30, the AFL-CIO announced support for the boycott of the office-supply chain. The labor federation is comprised of 56 unions representing 12.5 million members.
Also in May, the 3-million member National Education Association sent a letter to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe and Staples CEO Ronald L. Sargent, urging them to abandon the program, and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists endorsed the boycott. In June, the 2-million member Service Employees Internationl Union (SEIU) joined the ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ movement. Almost two dozen local and state unions and federations have also voted to boycott Staples.
Sample Resolution
APWU local unions and allies can adopt a ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ sample resolution – available on the APWU website – to make it clear that we intend to win this fight against privatization and save our public post offices.
“We must spread the word about the ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ campaign to every labor organization in the country – at the national, state and local level – to make sure union members get the message,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “Working men and women will readily understand the threat to living-wage jobs posed by the Postal Service’s no-bid, sweetheart deal with Staples once they are made aware of the situation.”
What can you do?
• Take the message to your family and friends.
• Send a postcard to the CEO of Staples.
• Sign a pledge card to volunteer.
Send Staples CEO a Postcard
Active and retired members are organizing their families, friends and co-workers to sign postcards addressed to Ronald L. Sargent, the CEO of Staples, telling him that until his stores staff their postal counters with USPS employees, we will take our business elsewhere.
Signing the postcard is a small step in sending a big message to the privatizers: Mess with our jobs and the peoples’ right to public postal services, and we are ready to fight back – and we intend to win! To participate, ask your local union rep for a postcard, or submit one electronically at www.StopStaples.com/postcard.
Exposed: The Video the PMG Doesn’t Want You to See
The Postal Service’s propaganda machine has been working overtime in recent months, with workers forced to watch videos featuring Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe spewing falsehoods about “the state of the business” and the deal with Staples.
APWU President Mark Dimondstein takes on the PMG’s claims in a new video that every postal worker should see.
Visit www.youtube.com/APWUcommunications or scan the QR code with your mobile phone to watch the video online.