A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service

March 1, 2015

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(This article first appeared in the March-April 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) 

On Feb. 12, more than 60 national organizations joined forces to launch A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service. The debut of the Alliance included the premiere of a video featuring actor-activist Danny Glover, the creation of a new website, and many messages on social media.

“I hope every APWU member will support this important endeavor by sharing the news with their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, and by posting messages on social media,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein.

Included among the 65 national organizations are the National Council of Churches, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, International Association of Fire Fighters, Alliance for Retired Americans, Greenpeace USA, Vote Vets Action Fund, and the AFL-CIO.

The formation of the alliance has been in the works for months, and has been the vision of APWU President Mark Dimondstein from the beginning of his term of office. At his installation speech before more than 1,000 union members in November 2013, Dimondstein called for a grand alliance to save the USPS as a public Postal Service and to protect postal jobs. “Writing Congress is important,” he said, “but it’s not enough. Lobbying for legislation is important, but it’s not enough.” To succeed, he said, postal workers must build a movement.

In his July 2014 State of the Union address at the 22nd APWU National Convention, Dimondstein urged delegates to unite with postal workers’ allies – seniors, retirees, veterans, students, civil rights organizations, faith-based organizations, neighborhood associations and the labor movement.

“It’s hard to kill a service the people support,” he said. “Building the grand alliance is the only way we will ensure that a vibrant, public Postal Service exists for many years to come.”

The Members Speak

The convention delegates responded by adopting Resolution 219, “Build A Grand Alliance Between the People of the Country and Postal Workers,” which was submitted by the Dallas Area Local. It called on the APWU to commit to mobilize our allies and their organizations in defense of Americans’ rights to vibrant public postal services.

Beginning soon after the convention, the APWU contacted dozens of organizations to make the case that their participation was essential to ensure that a public Postal Service would survive and thrive. Dimondstein, other top officers of the APWU, the labor movement and other groups met face-to-face with the heads of many national organizations. Through those combined efforts, the alliance was born.

‘We Will Not Rest’

On Feb. 12, members of the Grand Alliance shared their heartfelt commitment to a public Postal Service at a press conference at the National Press Club.

“My grandfather worked for the Postal Service and took great joy in his job,” said Janaye Ingram, National Executive Director of the National Action Network. “My grandfather would be turning over in his grave if he knew we were thinking about privatizing this great public service. We will not rest until we see that this effort to privatize is put to rest.”

Melanie Campbell, convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable, said that in her small hometown, Mims, Florida, the post office was a “central” part of the community.

“Shutting down Postal Services in our nation’s towns would just cripple so many communities,” she said. “It’s an honor to join this Alliance to save our – keyword our – Postal Service. It’s our national treasure.”

Rev. Steven D. Martin, director of communications and development at the National Council of Churches, recalled his son writing love letters to his girlfriend when he was a teenager. Now, as an adult, Martin said he still rushes to the mailbox as soon as he gets home.

“These things are the bedrock of the society we live in,” he said. “It’s so incredibly vital and important to preserve.”

What Next?

“Now the work begins,” Dimondstein said. “Each of us should do what we can to get our co-workers, friends, neighbors and family members to support these efforts.

“Please share the Danny Glover video, visit the Alliance website, sign the pledge, and to get ready to do all that is necessary to realize our goal of protecting and enhancing vibrant public postal services now – and for many generations to come.”

For more information, visit www.AGrandAlliance.org.

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