Step 4 Agreement: Electronic Accident Reporting Privacy (2012)

PS Form 1769 , Accident , Accident Report , e-1769

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The issue in this dispute concerns the improper creation, handling and utilization of a new electronic PS Form 1769 for reporting accidents which includes confidential and restricted information such as social security numbers and employee medical diagnosis. After reviewing this matter, the parties agree to the following: ", Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (found at page 343 of the 2006- 2010 National Agreement) between the parties regarding the removal of Social Security References, social security numbers have been removed from the form. ", As it pertains to the e-1769 surrounding this grievance, the e-Accident Report will be obsolete. ", The Postal Service will comply with Article 14 of the National Agreement and other Postal Handbooks and Manuals that require P.S. Form 1769. Such Form will be provided to, but not limited to, the Local, District, and Area Joint Labor Management Safety and Health Committees, as well as Article 14 Section 2 which specifically states in part, "[u]pon written request of the employee involved in an accident, a copy of the P.R Form 1769 (Accident Report) will be provided." ", The Postal Service will comply with Postal Bulletin 22238 (7-31-08) regarding the proper handling of the PS Form 1769; removal of medical diagnosis. These procedures include encryption prior to emailing and never saving or storing Form 1769 to any portable device such as a thumb drive, flash drive, Blackberry, or laptop.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTG20082

GATS Number:  Q06C-4Q-C 08089435

Tags: PS Form 1769 , Accident , Accident Report , e-1769

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