The parties hereby reaffirm the attached Memorandum of Understanding dated November 13, 1991, which serves as the parties' further agreement on the use of paid leave and LWOP. We further agree that: 1. As specified in ELM 513.61, if sick leave is approved, but the employee does not have sufficient sick leave to cover the absence, the difference is charged to annual leave or to LWOP at the employee's option. 2. Employees may use LWOP in lieu of sick or annual leave when an employee requests and is entitled to time off under ELM 515, Absences for Family Care or Serious Health Problem of Employee (policies to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act). 3. In accordance with Article 10, Section 6, when an employee's absence is approved in accordance with normal leave approval procedures, the employee may utilize annual and sick leave in conjunction with leave without pay. As we have previously agreed, this would include an employee who wishes to continue eligibility for health and life insurance benefits, and/or those protections for which the employee may be eligible under Article 6 of the National Agreement. CBR Reprint Jan-Feb 2008.

Document Type:  MOU Addendum

Tags: paid leave and lwop , ELM 513 , leave , FMLA and lwop , LWOP , annual leave , sick leave

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MOU Addendum: LWOP in Lieu of SL/AL (1991)

November 14, 1991

Document Type: MOU Addendum

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