Step 4 Agreement:  Article 1.6; Supervisors performing bargaining unit work (1988)

Bargaining unit work

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This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether management is performing the duties of a Vehicle Operations Assistant-Bulk Mails in violation of the National Agreement.  During the parties discussion, they mutually agreed that it is appropriate for the supervisor in charge of that section to perform dispatching duties intermittently for the purpose of providing relief to the VOAs or during unforeseen circumstances to maintain operational integrity of the section.  The term "intermittent" as used in the agreement is not meant to preclude relief on a regular basis such as for lunch each day if necessary. Normally, however, such coverage should not exceed two lunch periods a day.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4V2NC43515

Craft:  Motor Vehicle Service

Tags: Bargaining unit work

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