USPS Position Letter:  Article 1.6; Supervisors performing bargaining unit work (1989)

Bargaining unit work

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This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether preparation of consolidated 1412's is exclusively vested in the clerk craft.  The Union contends that 1412 consolidation is listed as a duty of the T-6 on the Standard Position Description, and that past practice dictates that the work is exclusive to the clerk craft.  Management contends assignment of the control disk to Supervisory personnel provides better security for window clerks while maintaining better control over window service financial functions, and that the assignment of the disk is consistent with provisions of the F-1, MOS-IRT Supervisor's Supplement, and Inspection Service Memo's.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C4JC16728, H7C4JC16729, H7C4JC16730

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Bargaining unit work

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