We find that misunderstanding [sic] of the Postal Manual on the part of management misled PTF Clerk, T. Cain, to believe he would receive court leave. Additionally, the policy of the Minnesota Courts is to excuse individuals where jury duty imposes undue hardships on those selected. The Minnesota Court takes the position that to receive no pay while serving jury duty does constitute an undue hardship. PTF employees are not entitled to court leave. However, under the circumstances in this case, PTF Clerk Cain shall receive compensation for the hours he served as a juror in the Minnesota Court, to the extent such hours do not exceed his scheduled work hours for the Postal Service. Further, [...] This document contains two Article 10 related issues; a Step 4 Agreement on Page 1 and a USPS Position Letter on Page 2.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  ACC22573, 5MIN532, APWU22573

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , Court Leave , Jury Duty , undue hardship , PTF jury duty , Part-time Flexible jury duty , Part-time Flexible Court Leave , PTF Court Leave , Part Time Flexible jury duty , Part time Flexible Court Leave

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