The grievance involves the scheduling of annual leave for employees who have balances in excess of the maximum carry-over allowable. During our discussion, we agreed that as stated in Article 10.3.B, care shall be exercised to assure that no employee is required to forfeit any part of such employee's annual leave. We also agreed that as provided in ELM 512.11, " employee is credited at the beginning of the leave year with more than 30 days of previously accumulated annual leave--except for those employees who on January 1, 1953, prior to the passage of PL 102, had more than 30 days of accumulated leave to their credit." Finally, we agreed to close this case as no further action is required.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3DC33507

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , Forfeiture of Leave , Leave Forfeiture , Forfeiture of Annual Leave , Annual Leave Forfeiture , Accrued Leave , Accrued Annual Leave , charging absence to accrued leave , charging absence to accrued annual leave , maximum carry-over

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