Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 10; Leave (1983)

leave , Leave Year , Last Pay Period , end of leave year , pay stub

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The grievance concerns whether management improperly charged 8 hours LWOP used by the grievant in the 1982 leave year to his 1983 leave year. According to the file, the grievant used 8 hours LWOP on January 6, 1983, which was during the last pay period of the 1982 leave year. When the grievant received his paycheck for pay period two of 1983, his pay stub showed 8 hours LWOP used. We mutually concluded that the end of a leave year and the beginning of the 26 pay periods does not necessarily coincide (ref. 512.121, ELM). The grievant cannot determine the LWOP that will be charged to a leave year solely by viewing his pay stub. The pay stub will reflect whatever leave activity that takes place within a particular pay period. It does not control leave use allocations during a leave year. Therefore, leave taken by the grievant on January 6, 1982, will be charged to the 1982 leave year. This document contains two Article 10 related issues; a USPS Position Letter on Page 1, and a Maintenance Craft Step 4 Agreement on Page 2.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4BC17039

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: leave , Leave Year , Last Pay Period , end of leave year , pay stub

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