USPS Position Letter:  Article 16; Discipline Procedure (1978)

Discipline Procedure , Discussion Notes

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During our Step 4 meeting, we mutually agreed that new language contained in the 1978 National Agreement satisfactorily resolves this grievance. Specifically, the language we are referring to is contained in Article XVI, second paragraph, which states "following such discussions, there is no prohibition against the supervisor and/or the employee making a personal notation of the date and subject matter for their own personal records. However, no notation or other information pertaining to such discussion shall be included in the employee's personnel folder.'' Based on the file contained in this grievance, we were unable to ascertain specifically where these discussion notes were contained. We did agree however, that if these discussion notes are being maintained in the employee's Official Personnel Folder, they will be removed.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  NCS12616

Tags: Discipline Procedure , Discussion Notes

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