Step 4 Settlement Agreement:  Article 16; Discipline Procedure (1979)

Discipline Procedure , Discussion Notes

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The-matter at issue in this grievance is whether it is proper for a supervisor to record a discussion on a particular form and place the form in a general file. The following represents our mutual interpretation of the contract provisions covering this issue and settles all matters in dispute in this case. The parties mutually agree that the language in Article XVI of the 1978 National Agreement intends that notations of discussions made by a supervisor are strictly personal and are not to be considered official Postal Service documents. As such, they are not to be made a part of a central record system to which other individuals have access, nor should a written notation be passed from one supervisor to another.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  A8W0004, W8C5CD2047

Tags: Discipline Procedure , Discussion Notes

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