USPS Position Letter:  Article 17; Representation (1973)

Representation , Steward Prior to Step 1

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A review of the material submitted at Step 4 indicates that the basis of this grievance is the denial by management of grievant's request to see his steward prior to the submission of a grievance at Step 1. A review of the material contained in both of our files is somewhat confusing as to the sequence of events which gave rise to this grievance. However, we will confirm our discussion on July 23, 1973: that an individual has a right to have his steward present at the Step 1 meeting. To have the steward so present, it is logical that a request must be made for the steward's presence at the meeting. Since the time of the steward is "on the clock" and the time of the employee during the grievant's meeting is "on the clock'', the rule of reason would require the some minimal reason for seeing the steward be transmitted by the employee to his supervisor at the time the request is made. This, however, does not require a full disclosure of the subject which will be discussed, in the presence of the steward, at the Step 1 meeting.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  APWU4761

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Representation , Steward Prior to Step 1

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