USPS Position Letter:  Article 17; Representation (1981)

Representation , Orientation

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The question in this grievance is whether or not management violated Article XVII of the National Agreement with regard to the Union's participation in new employee orientation. In this MSC, new employee orientation for the entire sectional center is conducted at the main office. The Union Representative in that office participates in the office orientation program. By this grievance, a Union representative in one of the associate offices where some of the employees will be assigned feels that he should participate in the program. Contractually, it is our position that the obligations under section 6 are met when a representative of the Union participates in the program regardless of where he is from. However, we have learned that in the interests of good labor relations, many associate offices do allow the local officer a brief period at that office for introduction and familiarization with local Union activities.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C5BC17845

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Representation , Orientation

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