This is in response to your letter of May 24, 1976, wherein you cite several instances in the administration of sick leave in the field that the American Postal Workers Union feels are unnecessarily harsh and restrictive. My delay in responding has been necessitated by my investigation of the practices which you cite. I have reviewed the problem involving Spokane, Denver and Phoenix. Effective immediately, medical statements and certifications written on the doctor's office memo or stationery are acceptable. Of course, physicians still sign the Form 3971 if they so desire. However, it is not an absolute requirement that they do so. My review of the other instances you cite indicates need for a comprehensive review of the entire leave program. This review is now underway and should be completed soon. You will be advised, in accordance with Article XIX, of any contemplated changes in the leave program.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Medical Documentation

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