USPS Position Letter: Article 8; Hours of Work (1977)

Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , PTF Stand By

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Based on the evidence presented in this grievance, we find that part-time flexible employees are not guaranteed forty hours in a work week.  In addition, the National Agreement does not require that part-time flexible employees be scheduled in advance.  However, there is no contractual provision, nor is it intended, that part-time flexible employees are required to remain at their home or to call the Post Office to ascertain whether their services are needed.  Local management should attempt to schedule part-time tlexibles in advance wherever possible and fully utilize those part-time flexibles employees on straight time whenever possible prior to scheduling full-time employees on overtime unless that overtime is on the carrier's own route.  Therefore, we find that the issues raised are resolved and this grievance is closed.  This document contains two Article 8 related issues; a Step 4 Agreement on Page 1 and a USPS Position letter on Page 2.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  NCW9013, W82477N

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , PTF Stand By

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