The issue in this grievance is whether management violated the National Agreement when one aail processor was assigned to the OCR to perform loading, feeding, and sweeping. This grievance is similar to case B4C-NA-C 2 which is currently pending arbitration at the National level. Inasmuch as the union did not agree to hold this case for possible application of the arbitration award, the
following represents the position of the Postal Service based on the fact circumstances. Section 552.2 of the P0-411, Burroughs OCR/CS Operating Guidelines, states in pertinent part:
Normal staffing for the Pitney Bowes and Burroughs OCRs (32, 44, and 60 stackers) and the Bell and Howell BCS will be two mail processors to perform the loading, feeding, and sweeping functions. Where limited volume exists for certain sort programs, or during startup or closeout of run, staffing may be reduced. (Underscoring added.)
In this instant case, one mail processor was assigned to load, feed, and sweep on the OCR for approximately one hour during the initial startup of the run. The staffing of the OCR with one mail processor is clearly permitted per the P0-411. Accordingly, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C4SC16201

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-411 , OCR Staffing

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