The question in this grievance is whether management violated article 19 of the National Agreement by reinstating the grievant to the same level and step attained in prior employment. The grievant was reinstated under the Rehabilitation Program. The union contends that the grievant should have been given the salary level and step she would have reached had she been continuously employed. In our opinion, the Postal Service has the right under Chapter 540, ELM, to reinstate former employees who have partially recovered from a compensable injury or disability to the former grade/step held at the time of separation. Accordingly, we find no violation of.the national agreement and the grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3TC9016

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Rehabilitated Employees

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