The question raised in this grievance involves the requirement of carriers to initial PS Form 2548-A, Individual Training Record. As final settlement in all matters relating to this dispute, the parties at the National level agree to the following resolution:
In accordance with Section 732.15 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual. PS Form 2548-A is completed by the training agent and/or immediate supervisor. The initialing of this form by an employee is not a condition of employment and employees should not be required to initial the form under threat of disciplinary action. Should our employee elect not to initial PS Form 2548-A, the PEDC Manager or immediate supervisor should certify on the form that the prescribed training was accomplished.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N1NC325

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PS Form 2548-A , Individual Training Record

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